'-------------------------------------------------------------------- ' EasyForYou - Eshop - DEMO ' Copyright (c) 1996-2020 BARON srl/bv ' ' Eshop variables for E-commerce '-------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Login bShowLogin = true ' Show the login fields bShowLoginToOrder = false ' Show the login fields only if order appends (false = does not allow a customer to add himself when order appends) bShowInscription = false ' Allow a customer to add himself and show button Inscription sLanguage = FR ' Default language if parameter LANG is not specified ' Positions nNewMenuWidth = 240 ' Width from the new menu category nNewTopHeight = 112 ' Total Heigth from the top ' Colors & Sizes cMenuTxSize = "18" ' Size for the text in main menu and buttons (by default: 18) cMenuBg = "464646" ' Background color for the main menu (by default: 464646) cMenuTx = "f2f2f2" ' Text color for the main menu (by default: f2f2f2) cMenuBgTx = "739643" ' Background color for the main menu (by default: 739643) cMenuBgActTx = "green" ' Active Background color for the main menu and buttons (by default: 009933) cMenuCatTxSize = "18" ' Text Size in categories menu (by default: 18) cMenuCatBg = "333333" ' Background color for the categories menu (by default: 333333) cMenuCatTx = "CCCCCC" ' Text color for the categories menu (by default: CCCCCC) cMenuCatActTx = "FFFFFF" ' Active Text color for the categories menu (by default: FFFFFF) cBgTitreMenuCat = "D6DFE7" ' Background color from the category title menu cBgTitreHome = "B1C1CE" ' Background color from the product-page title menu cBgSubLines = "D6DFE7" ' Background color from line - Sale products by quantity cBgProducts = "FFFFFF" ' Background color for all products ' Thumbs nThumbsWidthSize = 150 ' Width for the thumbs picture in pixels (When you import a picture in menu File->Produts->Picture, EFY create a thumbs with this Width size) nThumbsPadding = 5 ' Padding between the thumbs.htm in pixels nThumbsHTMLWidthSize = 280 ' Total Width for the thumbs.htm in pixels (including the thumbs picture) ' Show menu bMenuConditions = true ' Menu Conditions (true = visible) bMenuHome = true ' Menu Home (true = visible) bMenuCaddie = true ' Menu Shopping Card caddie (true = visible) sMenuHome = "https://www.easyforyou.be" ' Url for you Home site (put here your own site URL) sLinkFacebook = "https://www.facebook.com/easyforyou.be" ' Url for the facebook link (put here your own facebook URL) nTransport = 2 ' 0 = Activate the shipment system but dont show the selections. 1 = Show and activate the shipment system. 2 = Start with "Deliver" option selected. 3 = No transport options bEditCliAutorised = false ' true = Autorise the editing of the customer data by himself bMenuCatOrderByRef = false ' Menu category order by Ref Cat (if false the order is by Description) sLanguageMenu = "FR NL EN SP IT PT DE" ' Possible Values FR NL EN DE SP IT PT : show the language menu (if empty do not show language menu) nSubCatScrollingMenu = 1 ' 1 = Activate scroll down menu for category , 0 = no swroll down menu (beta version - work only with one sub level categories) ' Show products nShowStock = 0 ' -1 = show real stock quantity, 0 = Show only Yes or No for the stock quantities, 1 show a rounded value, 2 No stock colum bDontShowStockZero = false ' True = Dont show the products if the stock is zero or negative nCalculateStock = 1 ' 1 = Total stock = (Quantity + (Supliers Orders - Customer Orders)), 2 = Total stock = Quantity, 0 = Total stock = (Quantity - Customers Orders) bNotCalcOrderSup=false ' true = Do not calculate the open suppliers orders quantities in the stock quantities showed on the shop nDontShowPrice = 0 ' 0 = Show the price level 1 without login, -1 = Dont show any prices without login, 2 = Dont show any prices at all nDontShowCaddie = 0 ' 0 = Show caddie without login (BtoC), -1 = Dont show the caddie without login (BtoB), -2 Dont show the caddie at all, -3 = *** NOT ACTIVE ACTUALLY *** Show caddie without login and allow to order before confirm (BtoC) nPopupProductWidth = 550 ' Width in pixel for the popup image and description products nPopupProductHeight = 750 ' Height in pixel for the popup image and description products nThumbsSystem = 0 ' 0=The customer can choose list or thums (list is default), 1=Only List, 2=Only thumbs, 3=Start eshop with thumbs as default and allow to select List. nVatInclude = 1 ' If >0 then Show the prices VAT Include nVatNotIncludeFromPriceLevel = 0 ' If >0 and nVatInclude is >0 then Show the prices VAT NOT Include for the customer whoes having a pricelevel>=nVatNotIncludeFromPriceLevel nVatTextInclShow = 1 ' If >0 then show the text VAT include nVatTextNotInclShow = 1 ' If >0 then show the text VAT NOT include nTotVatInclude = 0 ' If >0 then Show the total prices + vat and VAT Include (dont use nTotVatInclude = 1 AND nVatInclude = 1 together) nOrderByColumn = 2 ' 1= Show products by references, 2= By Description, 3= By price nShowDecreasingPrices = 4 ' 0= Dont show, 1 Show level1; 2 = Show level2...max 4 nShowDecInLine = 1 ' 1= show Decreasing prices on the same Line nSpecialTaxInclude = 0 ' 1= Include the differents taxes (reprobel, ect) in the prices. nLevelPromo = 2 ' Price level for the special offers. bCalcFreeProd = false ' Calculate if a free product is given to the customer regarding quantity (or currency + value) (syntax in the COM1, additionnal field from the product management->/FREE:refproduct>=xx/ (xx = quantity, to work with currency use this syntax >=99EUR) bNotShowProdCat = false ' Do not show Products categories with a special customer categories if the user is not logged. nPageSize = 20 ' Number of products showed in a page (if this number is too big the server is slower) nShowPageSize = 1 ' 0 = Dont show next page buttons, 1 = Show next page buttons on bottom, 2 = Show next page buttons on top, 3 = Show buttons on top and bottom bNoDecPriceForEU = false ' True = Dont show decreasing prices for en-users customers (if Price level=1) bShowCategoriesAtHome = false ' True = Show Head categories on the home page nThumbsCategoriesColon = 4 ' Number of columns you want to show your categories bSizeAndColors = true ' True = Work with the size and color order system (caution: do not use parentheses () in the products without size and colors) bSizeAndColShowPicture = true ' True = Show the product picture in the Size and colors selection. bSizeAndColShowDescription = true ' True = Show the product description in the Size and colors selection. bSizeAndColIsColAndSize = false ' True = Manage the Color before the size. bGetProductQuantity = false ' True = Possibility to get the product quantity near the caddie (not compatible with size and color and volume discounts for quantities). bShowLength = false ' true = Show the length from the product record if not zero bShowWidth = false ' true = Show the Width from the product record if not zero bShowHeight = false ' true = Show the Height from the product record if not zero bShowWeight = false ' true = Show the Weight from the product record if not zero sShowVar01 = "" ' Not empty = Example Show = "Color" for the Var1 from the product record (additional field) if present (/color:red/) sShowVar02 = "" ' sShowVar03 = "" ' (Max 20 Vars from sShowVar01 to sShowVar20) ! do not forget the ' (semicolum) bSearchInAddField = true ' true = The Search field from the eshop search also in the additional field ' Show caddie nShowDiscount = -1 ' -1 = Show discount if not zero bValidate = true ' Button validate in caddie bPayByBank = false ' Button pay by bank in caddie (Code=B) bPayByCard = false ' Button pay by credit card in caddie (You can work with a product reference PCC in EasyForYou to setup the Payment by CC COST) (code=K) bPayByCheck = false ' Button pay by Check in caddie (Code=C) bPayByPaypal = false ' Button pay by Paypal in caddie (Code=A) bPayOnDelivery = false ' Button Pay On Delivery in caddie (Code=Y) bPayByCOD = false ' Button pay by COD (Before, add a product in EasyForYou with reference or CODE = COD) bPayByIDEAL = false ' Button pay by Ideal (Code=C) sCheckOkCountries = "FR BE NL" ' Autorised country codes (COU001) sebarated by coma where the "Pay by Check" Payment must be allowed (if Empty , all countries are allowed) nGetRemark = 2 ' if >0 then at validation of the order, show a field to input a text with nGetRemark lines bGeneralDiscount = false ' true = Activate the general discount system with increasing discount regarding the total amount from the order (check setup e-commerce C.12) nGetDeliveryDate = 0 ' 0 = Dont show field delivery date. 1 = Show delivery date. 2 = Delivery date is required field. nGetDeliveryAdress = 1 ' 0 = Dont show Delivery Adress. 1 = Show Delivery Adress. 2 = Delivery Adress is required field. nSetDeliveryDefault = 1 ' 1 = Set te user adress as default delivery adress nGet1AdditionalField = 0 ' 0 = Dont show additional field(1). 1 = Show additional field. 1 = additional field is required field. nGet2AdditionalField = 0 ' 0 = Dont show additional field(2). 2 = Show additional field. 2 = additional field is required field. nGet3AdditionalField = 0 ' 0 = Dont show additional field(3). 3 = Show additional field. 3 = additional field is required field. nGet4AdditionalField = 0 ' 0 = Dont show additional field(4). 4 = Show additional field. 4 = additional field is required field. ' E-mail bSendConfirmToCustomer = false ' true = Send a order confirmation to the customer or the approver (check FAQ 37 var /APPROVER:customer-CODE-of-the-approver/) bSendConfirmToMe = true ' true = Send a order confirmation to the s-sender nApprovingButtons = 0 ' 1 = Put approving buttons on the e-mail sent to the APPROVER to APPROVE or DISAPPROVE the Order sSender = "info@baron.be" ' Email to receive your order confirmation (and login for paypal system) sServer = "mail.facturation-facturatie.be" ' Your local SMTP adress (if empty take localhost) ' Miscelanious sSharedHosting = "BC1S" ' "BC1" if this parameter (Ledger) is present (NOT empty), the ASP files are on a shared hosting (you have not your own server) -> BC1S (if you add a S the system is syncronised with the shared hosting) sSharedURL = "https://www.easy-for-you.com/eshop" ' The URL from the server where the ASP are running if you want to syncronise EFY sTypePayment = "PAY PAL" ' Choice your securised credit card payment system PAYPAL (login=sServer) , OGONE or IDEAL sPSPID = "" ' PSPID for OGONE or IDEAL (left empty if paypal) sPayOGONEPath = "" ' Specific path for OGONE Payment (sPayOGONEPath/asp/payment-ogone.asp) sPecificPath = "" ' Specific path for the databases for shared hosting sDefaultCurrency = "EUR" ' Default Currency sSyncUserForOrders = "TO-REPLACE-WITH-ADMIN" ' Login of the user (File->Users) who's receive the orders (Do not left this empty) bShowNoPictureImage = false ' Show a generic picture "\images\nopicture.gif" is no picture availaible for the product bShowNoPictureThumbs = true ' Show a generic picture "\thumbs\nopicture.gif" is no picture availaible for the product nThumbsWidthSize = 207 ' Widh for the thumbs in pixels (When you import a picture in menu File->Produts->Picture, EFY create a thumbs the selected size)