File E-mail
- Converts the selected document in HTML or PDF format and sends it in Outlook, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail and other email software that accepts copy and paste from a HTML document
You can also use your SMTP address to send mail directly without going through your email software.
To send PDF documents to your customers click File-> Email PDF OR RIGHT-Click on the E-Mail button.
To print documents in PDF format, we recommend the free version of PDFCreator.
Do not install version 2.x, keep the version 1.x on:
- Generate PDF files
How to print and send PDF files by Email:
To use the send PDF button (right-Click on the Email button), you have first to setup this function in Windows 10, please follow this procedure:
1) Click menu Help->Folder->EasyForYou Ok
In the open folder ...\EasyForYou,search and right-Click AddPrinter.exe (Run as administrator)
QUIT the software EasyForYou !
2) Navigate to Windows Start menu.
Click :Settings
Click :Devices in the Settings dialog.
Make sure you are in the section :Printers & scanners
Disable the setting :Let Windows manage my default printer by setting it to Off.
Click on your main printer and select :Set as default.
3) Restart EasyForYou and in menu Tools->Parameters->General Check E-mail With SMTP and clicl the button Setup E-Mail SMTP
Input your SMTP server in the field
Copy your email adress also in Bcc Email, In this way, you will receive a copy yourself to put un your :Send Email folder
If you need to send :Terms of Sales. With your unvoices (appends only with invoices),
you can make a PDF document like TermsOfSales.pdf and copy this file to the folder ...\EasyForYou
Put TermsOfSales.pdf in the filed :Attachment
Click the Send Test Button to check if the SMTP works fine.
If the Send Test lasts too long, then you have to setup the SMTP options in the frame :Options
NOTE: If you have another Windows Version, follow the installation procedure of the PDF printer