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Login of the start of "Easy For You" can be activated in the menu Tools->Parameters
The Password is not obligatory.
Only the type of user "Administrator" has the right to modify certain parameters of "Easy For You".

Each user can choose his own language. In easy, the documents will be generated in the language of the customer or suppliers.
The favourite document type (tab) of the user will be active at the start of "Easy For You".
The change of language of a user becomes effective when you restart "Easy For You".

Daily backup at start-up:
With the first starting of the day, EasyForYou automatically carries out a backup your data and this on one week cycle.

Folder for your backup:
Destination for your automatic backup at the first daily starting.
Choice a folder apart from your principal computer. For example a shared folder on another computer from your network, USB Memory stick, external Hardware-Disk…
See menu: Help on the Internet -> F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) Nr. 2

At start-up, check and show the CUSTOMER orders to deliver:
With the first starting of the day, EasyForYou automatically checks the existence of orders from which the delivery date and shows all the selected open orders in the order-tab.